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Posted Mon Jan 4 2016: from Washington Post:
Wind, solar power soaring in spite of bargain prices for fossil fuels
Wind and solar power appear set for a record-breaking year in 2016 as a clean-energy construction boom gains momentum in spite of a global glut of cheap fossil fuels.... Energy analysts say the boom is being spurred in part by improved technology, which has made wind and solar more competitive with fossil fuels in many regions. But equally important, experts say, is better access to financing, as major Wall Street investment houses adopt a more bullish posture toward an industry that was once considered financially risky. In November, Goldman Sachs announced it was quadrupling its investments in renewables to $150 billion.
[Read more stories about: renewable energy]

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'Doc Michael says:
What do you want me to do with my coal plant, turn it into a friggin' art gallery?

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