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Posted Mon Dec 7 2015: from Washington Post:
Superbug known as 'phantom menace' on the rise in U.S.
...This superbug's strains belong to the family of bacteria known as CRE, which are difficult to treat because they are often resistant to most antibiotics. They are often deadly, too, in some instances killing up to 50 percent of patients who become infected, according to the CDC. Health officials have called CRE among the country's most urgent public health threats.... This type of CRE has had a lower profile because it's actually less antibiotic-resistant than other more common types of CRE. As a result, it hasn't been a frequent focus of testing and has largely escaped detection by health officials, prompting some researchers to dub it "the phantom menace."
[Read more stories about: antibiotic resistance, health impacts, pandemic]

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'Doc Michael says:
As long as Natalie Portman is somehow involved, we'll be fine.

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