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Posted Fri Apr 11 2014: from Chicago Tribune:
Ikea investing in Illinois wind farm
Home goods giant Ikea is building a wind farm in downstate Illinois large enough to ensure that its stores will never have to buy a single kilowatt of power again.... With the project, Ikea's first wind investment in the U.S., the company is among a growing number of companies taking care of their energy needs by buying or investing in power produced by the wind and sun. Microsoft announced late last year it would purchase power from a 55 turbine wind farm in Texas. At the same time, Facebook announced it would power its new Iowa data center using wind energy from a wind farm MidAmerican Energy is constructing in the state. Over the last few years, Google has been ticking up its wind power purchases and investing in wind projects in Iowa, Oklahoma and Texas. The American Wind Energy Association credits big box retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc. with starting the trend in 2008 when it made a substantial purchase of wind energy from a Duke Energy-owned wind farm in Texas.
[Read more stories about: renewable energy, wisdom]
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'Doc Jim says:
Weird how they think keeping the planet alive is good for business!

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