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Posted Sat May 10 2014: from CBC:
Species de-extinction plagued by 'looming questions,' expert says
The potential for bringing back extinct animal species, known as de-extinction, is one of the hottest and most controversial topics in conservation biology today. "There are potentially many issues in bringing a species back ... But our primary concern is, if we were to bring something back, why are we doing it? Are we doing it because it's something cool to do, or because it's valuable for the ecosystem?" Moehrenschlager said an interview that airs on CBC's Quirks & Quarks on Saturday.... According to Moehrenschlager, the most important question is, “is this reversible?” In other words, could we undo the reintroduction of a previously extinct species into an ecosystem? It’s a vital question because there may be risks associated with de-extinction that scientists cannot accurately predict.
[Read more stories about: wisdom, species restoration]

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'Doc Jim says:
I'm thinking maybe we should focus on "pre-emptive de-extinction" while we still can.

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