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Posted Fri Aug 30 2013: from Huffington Post:
Lake Erie Algae 'Dead Zones' An Urgent Problem: Report
Canada and the U.S. should crack down on sources of phosphorus runoff blamed for a rash of harmful algae blooms on Lake Erie, an advisory agency said Thursday. The International Joint Commission said in a draft report that urgent steps are needed to curb runaway algae -- which produce harmful toxins and contribute to oxygen-deprived "dead zones" where fish cannot survive.... The report's Canadian co-author, Glenn Benoy, said algae blooms had almost disappeared but now there is a recurrence. "Some of the worst blooms we've seen in the lake happened in the last five to seven years," he said from Ottawa.
[Read more stories about: dead zones, corporate farming, fertilizer runoff]

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'Doc Michael says:
Erie, quit wimping out! I thought you were great!

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