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Posted Mon Jul 11 2011: from University of Wisconsin, via EurekAlert:
Climate change reducing ocean's carbon dioxide uptake

How deep is the ocean's capacity to buffer against climate change? As one of the planet's largest single carbon absorbers, the ocean takes up roughly one-third of all human carbon emissions, reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide and its associated global changes.... "The ocean is taking up less carbon because of the warming caused by the carbon in the atmosphere," says McKinley, an assistant professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences and a member of the Center for Climatic Research in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.... But the researchers found that rising temperatures are slowing the carbon absorption across a large portion of the subtropical North Atlantic. Warmer water cannot hold as much carbon dioxide, so the ocean's carbon capacity is decreasing as it warms.
[Read more stories about: carbon sequestration, carbon emissions, ocean warming, feedback loop, tipping point, holyshit]
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'Doc Jim says:
The oceans are gettin' lazy!

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