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Posted Mon Jul 11 2011: from The Independent:
Annual demand for fish empties British waters in just six months
Britain's coastal waters are so overfished that they can supply the nation's chip shops, restaurants and kitchens for little more than six months of every year, research has shown. Overfishing has caused so much damage to fish stocks across Europe that the quantity landed each year to satisfy the public appetite has fallen by 2 per cent on average every year since 1993. So great is demand that next Saturday, 16 July, has been dubbed Fish Dependence Day - the day on which imports would have to be relied upon because native supplies would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January. Last year it fell on 3 August, almost three weeks later, and in 1995 it was six weeks later.
[Read more stories about: overfishing, stupid humans]

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'Doc Michael says:
We'll just import from that spare Earth I've heard tell about, right?

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