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Posted Sun Aug 29 2010: from PhysOrg:
Pioneering study finds only small amounts of dairy antibiotics in groundwater
In the first large study to track the fate of a wide range of antibiotics given to dairy cows, UC Davis scientists found that the drugs routinely end up on the ground and in manure lagoons, but are mostly broken down before they reach groundwater. The findings should help alleviate longstanding fears that dairy farms, and the fields fertilized with their waste, might lead to large-scale groundwater contamination. "What we found is that antibiotics can frequently be found at the manure-affected surfaces of the dairy operation (such as corrals and manure flush lanes) but generally degrade in the top 12 inches of soil," said Thomas Harter, an expert on the effects of agriculture on groundwater quality.... "A very small amount of certain antibiotics do travel into shallow groundwater. Our next task is to determine whether these particular antibiotics are further degraded before reaching domestic and public water wells."
[Read more stories about: antibiotic resistance]

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'Doc Jim says:
Was that your longstanding fear of the consequences of massive, indiscriminate, prophylactic use of antibiotics?
"A very small amount"? "Generally degrade"? Gimme some ppm, or get outta town.

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