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Posted Fri Mar 13 2009: from Toronto Star:
Unstoppable beetles to kill every city ash tree
Toronto's ash trees could be gone in as little as 10 years, killed by an unstoppable beetle that is spreading rapidly across the province, the city's forestry czar says. "It's the elimination of a genus from this part of the continent, which is absolutely staggering," said Richard Ubbens, the city's director of urban forestry. "It will wipe out all ash trees." The emerald ash borer beetle, a shimmering blue-green insect native to parts of east and central Asia, has been eroding the ash population of the northeastern United States and southwestern Ontario for years. Larvae eat serpentine pathways just beneath the bark, which slowly cut off the flow of water and nutrients within the tree; death may take years...."There's no point in even trying anymore to eradicate it," Ubbens said of the beetle, noting that by the time an infestation is noticeable, the tree is beyond saving.
[Read more stories about: forests, invasive species]
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'Doc Jim says:
These badboys sound absolutely demonic!

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