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Posted Tue Mar 10 2009: from eTaiwanNews:
Norwegian monitors show rising methane levels
The concentrations of methane gas measured at the remote islands of Svalbard rose by 0.6 percent in 2007 compared to the previous year, according to a statement by the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority. The latest figure was also 1 percent higher than in 2004. A sharp rise in methane levels could dramatically increase global warming, the authority said. Similar increases were noted at other monitoring stations in Ireland and northern Canada. The cause has yet to be determined but preliminary figures suggest the trend continued in 2008, the statement said.... "That is a relatively large increase, especially since methane levels were virtually stable from 1999 until 2005," said Myhre. "The increases being bigger at Svalbard than other areas can be an indication that the source is in the far north."
[Read more stories about: methane release, permafrost meltdown]
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YoMaMa says: "It could be Santa's reindeers' farts, don'tchaknow."

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'Doc Jim says:
It could also be Santa's reindeers, or something. Let's not jump to conclusions.

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