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Posted Thu Dec 10 2009: from UPenn, via EurekAlert:
Sea level is rising along US Atlantic coast, say Penn environmental scientists
An international team of environmental scientists led by the University of Pennsylvania has shown that sea-level rise along the Atlantic Coast of the United States was 2 millimeters faster in the 20th century than at any time in the past 4,000 years.... Researchers corrected relative sea-level data from tide gauges using the coastal-subsidence values. Results clearly show that the 20th-century rate of sea-level rise is 2 millimeters higher than the background rate of the past 4,000 years. Furthermore, the magnitude of the sea-level rise increases in a southerly direction from Maine to South Carolina. This is the first demonstrated evidence of this phenomenon from observational data alone. Researchers believe this may be related to the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and ocean thermal expansion.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, rising sea level, ocean warming]

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'Doc Michael says:
This is just "anecdotal" data... y'know, just stories that the earth is telling.

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