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Posted Thu Dec 10 2009: from CGIAR, via EurekAlert:
Disagreement over what constitutes a forest is Achilles' heel of REDD plan
Disagreement over what constitutes a forest could undermine an agreement to protect forests, which is expected to be one of the bright spots at the UN climate change meeting in Copenhagen, according to an analysis by the Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) Partnership for Tropical Forest Margins.... "Countries can clear massive amounts of forest and still claim that deforestation had not occurred," said Peter A Minang, ASB Global Coordinator, who has extensive experience working with the REDD initiative. For example, replacement of tropical rainforests by oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia would not be considered 'deforestation' because the plantations meet the definition of a forest. Lands that have been clear cut or burned, but which remain under control of forest institutions, are also still considered forest.
[Read more stories about: forests, rain forest depletion, carbon sinks]

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'Doc Jim says:
We can't see the forest for the nomenclature.

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