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Posted Fri Apr 17 2009: from Naples Daily News:
Babcock Ranch to be United States' first solar powered city
LEE COUNTY -- Planned mega-development Babcock Ranch will be the world's first entirely solar-powered city, developer Syd Kitson and an official from Florida Power & Light announced Thursday morning during a Washington D.C. press conference. The ambitious Charlotte County development will draw all of its electricity from a 75-megawatt photovoltaic solar power plant to be built by FPL. Construction on the facility could start by the end of this year.... The facility will be carbon-free, use no water and produce no waste. It will avoid the 61,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions a fossil fuel plant of equal size would release each year...Plans for Babcock Ranch include 19,500 homes in neighborhoods situated around a city center... Population at build-out is expected to reach 45,000.
[Read more stories about: carbon emissions, efficiency increase, renewable energy, technical cleverness, technological innovation]

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Vegan says: "I just hope it has a civic center, and isn't some "exurban village.""

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'Doc Michael says:
Sounds freakin' utopian!

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