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Continents of garbage adrift in oceans
Scientists are growing alarmed about massive floating dumps that are believed to be building up in centres of nearly all of the world's oceans.
The best-known patch, known by some as the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch, consists of an estimated 100 million tonnes of plastic debris that has accumulated inside a circular vortex of currents known as the North Pacific gyre. Environmentalists call it the Pacific Trash Vortex....An estimated 100,000 marine mammals die each year from eating or being entangled in debris -- mostly plastic -- in the North Pacific alone. Hence the vortex's other nickname: the Plastic Killing Fields.
[Read more stories about:
plastic gyre, stupid humans]
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'Doc Jim says:
Maybe we should spend less time making up nicknames and more time finding solutions!
The great sci-fi writer Ursula K. LeGuin, in her Earthsea Cycle, portrays a race of people who live on rafts on the ocean. She also writes in that series about a terrible shadow that is released upon the earth; sometimes I think that shadow is the poisonous byproducts of our consumer existence.
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