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Posted Tue Nov 18 2008: from New York Times:
Bark Beetles Kill Millions of Acres of Trees in West
...From New Mexico to British Columbia, the region's signature pine forests are succumbing to a huge infestation of mountain pine beetles that are turning a blanket of green forest into a blanket of rust red. Montana has lost a million acres of trees to the beetles, and in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming the situation is worse....In Wyoming and Colorado in 2006 there were a million acres of dead trees. Last year it was 1.5 million. This year it is expected to total over two million. In the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, the problem is most severe. It is the largest known insect infestation in the history of North America, officials said.
[Read more stories about: invasive species, forests]
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Haley says: "My favorite organization that works to save trees is"
arctos says: "Did you know that bark beetles really don't bark at all ? They do click ...though we cant hear them."

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'Doc Jim says:
If a tree is bitten by a bark beetle in the forest, can you hear it ... scream?
All the more reason to find a thousand ways to stop wasting paper.

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