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Posted Fri Dec 19 2008: from Boston Phoenix:
20 reasons the Earth will be glad to see Bush go
...We've selected 20 specific environmental transgressions of the Bush administration for scrutiny here, drawn primarily from conversations with and reports issued by the nation's leading environmental-advocacy groups. Were we to have written about all the ecological crimes committed by the Bush team -- the damage already done, the policies that have since been reversed, the individuals who have moved on to do their damage elsewhere -- we'd only be wringing our hands and wasting more paper. Thus, we've limited our Top 20 list to the horrific environmental scenarios still ongoing � these are the assaults on the planet that Bush and his cronies are continuing to this day, and surely would go on doing were their time not coming to a merciful end....
[Read more stories about: bad policy, capitalist greed, corporate malfeasance, governmental idiocy, governmental corruption, global warming]

Your Quips:
Obamaman says: "And the other worst thing he did was: wasted 8 years. Period. It's not just what we did but what he didn't do."
Haley says: "Good riddance, Bush. What a waste."
BillyBoy says: "Where are my shoes?"

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Really? Did I do all this? Well, if Mother Nature doesn't love me, at least my own mom does. Doesn't she?

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