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Posted Mon Aug 11 2008: from Society of Chemical Industry:
Organic Food Has No More Nutritional Value Than Food Grown With Pesticides, Study Shows
New research in the latest issue of the Society of Chemical Industry's (SCI) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture shows there is no evidence to support the argument that organic food is better than food grown with the use of pesticides and chemicals. Many people pay more than a third more for organic food in the belief that it has more nutritional content than food grown with pesticides and chemicals.... "[T]he study does not support the belief that organically grown foodstuffs generally contain more major and trace elements than conventionally grown foodstuffs."
[Read more stories about: toxic buildup, pesticide runoff]

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The ApocaDocs say:
Actually, it's what I'm not ingesting -- or seeing as runoff and bykill -- that I pay more for:
those pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

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