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Posted Mon Aug 11 2008: from Media Newswire:
Landmark Ruling Requires Aggressive Action to Protect Puget Sound from Stormwater
In a landmark decision, the Washington Pollution Control Hearings Board today issued a ruling requiring that cities and counties around Puget Sound take more aggressive steps to reduce stormwater runoff. The board struck down provisions in two regionwide permits as inadequate, and concluded that greater use of "low impact development" techniques is required to meet the governing legal standards. The permits are issued by the state Department of Ecology, which must now reissue them. "This is a great day for Puget Sound," said Kathy Fletcher, Executive Director of People for Puget Sound. "This ruling gets us one big step closer to the Puget Sound Partnership's goal of recovering Puget Sound by 2020."
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The ApocaDocs say:
Yes, let's do stop pummeling our world with "high impact" punches. It's reeling, and we have a lot of rounds to go.

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