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Posted Tue Mar 4 2014: from The Daily Caller:
Warren Buffett: Global warming not causing extreme weather
Business magnate Warren Buffett contradicted a major Obama administration talking point by saying that global warming was not causing extreme weather. The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway told CNBC that he has not changed the way his companies calculate the likelihood of a natural disaster because of global warming. Berkshire Hathaway owns several insurance companies that often have to pay out huge claims when natural disasters strike. Environmentalists and the Obama administration have warned that global warming has caused natural disasters like hurricanes to become fiercer and more common.
[Read more stories about: deniers, global warming]
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'Doc Michael says:
From Oracle of Omaha to Nimrod of Nebraska.
Is that all you have Daily Caller? Once again, this article includes a quote from skeptic star, University of Colorado climate scientist Roger Pielke, Jr. There are fewer and fewer skeptics trying-to-act-credible media entities can turn to for a juicy quote.

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