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Posted Wed Jan 8 2014: from Climate Central:
Polar Vortex in U.S. May be Example of Global Warming
While the ongoing cold snap is breaking records from Minnesota to Florida, it will not go down in history as the most significant Arctic outbreak in U.S. history, not even by a longshot. Scientists said the deep freeze gripping the U.S. does not indicate a halt or reversal in global warming trends, either. In fact, it may be a counterintuitive example of global warming in action. Researchers told Climate Central that the weather pattern driving the extreme cold into the U.S. -- with a weaker polar vortex moving around the Arctic like a slowing spinning top, eventually falling over and blowing open the door to the Arctic freezer -- fits with other recently observed instances of unusual fall and wintertime jet stream configurations.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, arctic meltdown, ecosystem interrelationships, climate impacts]

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'Doc Jim says:
Climate change must be kinda fun for the weather.

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