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Posted Thu Oct 31 2013: from BBC:
Report suggests slowdown in CO2 emissions rise

Global emissions of carbon dioxide may be showing the first signs of a "permanent slowdown" in the rate of increase. According to a new report, emissions in 2012 increased at less than half the average over the past decade.... But the rate of increase in CO2 was 1.4 percent, despite the global economy growing by 3.5 percent.... The report was welcomed by green activist Bill McKibben, who is campaigning for a divestment from fossil fuel stocks and shares. "It is good news but nowhere near good enough," he told BBC News. "The solution we need here is dictated by physics, and at the moment the physics is busy melting the Arctic and acidifying the ocean. "We can't just plateau or go up less, we have to very quickly try and get the planet off fossil fuels."
[Read more stories about: carbon emissions, alternative energy]

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'Doc Michael says:
Ah -- we're accellerating slightly less toward the cliff.

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