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Posted Sat Nov 23 2013: from Somerville Journal:
Tufts students in Somerville fast to raise awareness of effects of climate change
The dining hall may be tempting, but 20 Tufts students have avoided it for the past two weeks to call attention to the destruction caused by climate change. "It's a very small price to pay for us to give up a few meals if that can in some way help more people know what's going on," said junior Evan Bell, who fasted during daylight hours last week and Wednesday and Thursday this week to raise awareness about climate change in the wake of typhoon Haiyan, which slammed into the Philippines two weeks ago and has killed more than 5,000. Some students fasted for longer. Junior Ben Weilerstein fasted for five days, drinking water and juice. He broke the fast once, to eat a banana in preparation for an exam.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, people rise up]

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'Doc Jim says:
Imagine the impact if these college kids decide to give up beer.

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