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Posted Fri Nov 29 2013: from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory:
The Lingering Clouds: Why Pollution Results in Larger Storm Clouds, Colder Days, Warmer Nights

A new study reveals how pollution causes thunderstorms to leave behind larger, deeper, longer lasting clouds. Appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences November 26, the results solve a long-standing debate and reveal how pollution plays into climate warming. The work can also provide a gauge for the accuracy of weather and climate models.... the team found that in clean skies, the heavier ice particles fall faster out of the anvil-shaped clouds, causing the clouds to dissipate. However, the ice crystals in polluted skies were smaller and too light to fall out of the clouds, leading to the larger, longer-lasting clouds. Lastly, the team estimated how much warming or cooling the storm clouds contributed. Overall, the polluted clouds cooled the day and warmed the night, decreasing the daily temperature range.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, technical cleverness]

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'Doc Jim says:
I've looked at clouds from all sides now.

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