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Posted Mon Mar 18 2013: from Huffington Post:
Bills Pushed By State Legislators Would Make Farm Animal Abuse Investigations More Difficult
in a pushback led by the meat and poultry industries, state legislators across the country are introducing laws making it harder for animal welfare advocates to investigate cruelty and food safety cases. Some bills make it illegal to take photographs at a farming operation. Others make it a crime for someone such as an animal welfare advocate to lie on an application to get a job at a plant...the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative think tank backed by business interests... has labeled those who interfere with animal operations "terrorists," though a spokesman said he wishes now that the organization had called its legislation the "Freedom to Farm Act" rather than the "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act."
[Read more stories about: capitalist greed, corporate farming, governmental corruption]
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'Doc Michael says:
I say let's call it the "Freedom to Do Whatever the Hell We Want That Ensures Profit for our Shareholders."

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