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Posted Mon Jan 7 2013: from InsideClimate News:
The Year Ahead in Keystone XL: Climate Worry Introduces Big Unknown
After years of protests and lobbying, the Obama administration is expected to decide within months on the fate of the 1,200-mile Keystone XL oil pipeline. The State Department is finalizing a supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for the project, which would ship tar sands oil from Canada, through America's heartland, and to the Gulf Coast via other pipelines.... For most of 2012, climate disappeared from the political agenda -- including from the administration's discussions of the Keystone XL -- but the issue unexpectedly gained the national spotlight post-Sandy. It remains unclear how, or whether, global warming will be addressed in the forthcoming SEIS and, more generally, by Obama in his second term.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, capitalist greed, holyshit, health impacts, oil issues]

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'Doc Michael says:
Let's hope for another disaster! Oh, wait...

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