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Posted Wed Sep 5 2012: from Melbourne Age:
Cold on warming
PRINCESS Diana's death was not an accident. The Apollo moon landings never happened. HIV does not cause AIDS, and smoking does not cause lung cancer. Then there is the elaborate hoax by corrupt climate scientists who claim humans are causing the Earth to become warmer. Strange as they seem, these are the views held by people who see a conspiracy wherever they look. Yet, despite the enormous media attention climate "deniers" attract in Australia and elsewhere, their numbers are tiny... "It is important to understand the role of perceived consensus among scientists because it highlights how damaging the media's handling of climate issues can be when they create the appearance of a scientific debate where there is none," Professor Lewandowsky says. "More than 90 in 100 climate researchers agree on the basic fact that the globe is warming due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions."
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'Doc Michael says:
The Socialist Obama is really a star child from the planet Nibiru.

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