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Posted Mon Oct 22 2012: from Trinity College Dublin :
Rice Agriculture Accelerates Global Warming: More Greenhouse Gas Per Grain of Rice
More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising temperatures cause rice agriculture to release more of the potent greenhouse gas methane (CH4) for each kilogram of rice it produces, new research published in this week's online edition of Nature Climate Change reveals.... Methane in rice paddies is produced by microscopic organisms that respire CO2, like humans respire oxygen. More CO2 in the atmosphere makes rice plants grow faster, and the extra plant growth supplies soil microorganisms with extra energy, pumping up their metabolism. Increasing CO2 levels will also boost rice yields, but to a smaller extent then [sic] CH4 emissions. As a result, the amount of CH4 emitted per kilogram of rice yield will increase.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, corporate farming, methane release]
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'Doc Jim says:
Not nice of rice...

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