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Posted Mon Mar 19 2012: from CTV:
Melting Arctic ice could poison ecosystem, experts say
Arctic sea ice that's been melting at a dramatic rate in the last few decades is releasing a chemical soup that could poison the food chain with mercury and other dangerous chemicals, a new study suggests.... Over the last 30 years, the amount ice that survives the summer melt and grows again in the winter is becoming significantly smaller (12 per cent per decade), resulting in a much thinner and more salty form of ice. When the "new" ice melts, it releases a higher concentration of the chemicals into the air that create the mercury, the study found.... Mercury is a toxic substance that can enter the food chain and eventually be ingested by humans through food consumption. "This is being concentrated in things like fish and it's working it way up the food chain," geochemist Norman Halden said in the report.
[Read more stories about: arctic meltdown, heavy metals, toxic buildup]

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'Doc Michael says:
In the Arctic, the mercury is literally rising.

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