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Posted Sat Jan 14 2012: from Medical News Today:
Deodorant Preservative Found In Breast Tissue From Cancer Patients
A new study led by the University of Reading in the UK that examined breast tissue samples from 40 women who underwent mastectomies for breast cancer, found they contained widespread traces of parabens, preservatives commonly used in deodorants, make-up, body lotions, moisturisers and many other cosmetic products. Although the study does not prove that parabens cause or even contribute to the development of breast cancer, it raises questions about their use.... "These results are of concern because parabens have been shown to mimic the action of the female hormone oestrogen and oestrogen can drive the growth of human breast tumours."... "Many of the concentrations of the parabens measured in these breast tissues would be sufficient to drive the growth of oestrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells in the laboratory."
[Read more stories about: endocrine disruptor, health impacts, toxic buildup]

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'Doc Michael says:
Thank goodness my deodorant used psuedobens and quasibens, instead of those nasty parabens.

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