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Posted Tue Feb 7 2012: from Colorado Independent:
Santorum and Gingrich dismiss climate change, vow to dismantle the EPA
A day before Colorado Republicans voice presidential preferences at the caucuses, Rick Santorum dismissed climate change as "a hoax" and advocated an energy plan heavy on fossil fuels. "We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth, to use it wisely and steward it wisely, but for our benefit not for the Earth's benefit," Santorum told an audience at the Colorado School of Mines where he was a guest speaker Monday at the Colorado Energy Summit. "We are the intelligent beings that know how to manage things and through the course of science and discovery if we can be better stewards of this environment, then we should not let the vagaries of nature destroy what we have helped create," Santorum said to applause from the conservative crowd.
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anarchaosos says: "Ironic: he's dancing on theological thin ice here (Luke 12:18). What a dope."

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'Doc Michael says:
What a frothy mix of nonsense coming out of Santorum!

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