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Posted Thu Feb 9 2012: from MarketWatch:
How you can profit from the end of civilization: Doomsday Capitalists' winning strategy commentary
Doomsday Capitalists know how to get rich by playing the short-term stock market and ignoring long-term warnings of a global economic collapse. How? They have a secret weapon, a Doomsday Capitalists Winning Strategy.... So how can average Main Street investors build a winning portfolio? ... Start by thinking about Mad Max and Swiss Family Robinson. ... Then add a positive spin to Diamond's 12-part analysis of the historical collapse of civilizations. ... Mix in the Doomsday Capitalists short-term strategy. ... Ignore future consequences because you know you won't be around later, and hope new solutions will emerge through new technologies?. Well folks, if Biggs can achieve this goal successfully for Super Rich clients who are preparing their well-stocked farming compounds for the "collapse of the civilization," you can too. Start by picking some blue-chip stocks that fit Diamond's 12-part "Collapse Equation," hoping that while Diamond warns that throughout history politicians inevitably fail to plan or act in time to avoid a collapse, this time, maybe, just maybe, our profit-making capitalist giants will finally wake up to Adam Smith's vision and protect both their own self-interest and the public interest, thus reversing the inevitable historical trend into a collapse....
[Read more stories about: short-term thinking, stupid humans, capitalist greed]

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'Doc Jim says:
Investment strategy... is destiny.
If you read this article in its entirety, it indeed bizarre. Virtually no investment advice that's legitimate (invest in Monsanto? Chevron? Solar is risky? Hunh?) that I couldn't disembowel in a moment, and virtually no advice based on any kind of Doom scenario. Say, I smell market opportunity!!

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