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Posted Thu Dec 13 2012: from ThinkProgress:
AGU Scientist Asks, 'Is Earth F**ked?' Surprising Answer: Resistance is NOT Futile!
In sum, the dynamics of the global coupled human-environmental system within the dominant culture precludes management for stable, sustainable pathways and promotes instability.... Active resistance by concerned groups of citizens, analogous to the anti-slavery and civil rights movements of the past, is one of the features of the planetary system that plays an important role in his model. If you think that we should take a much longer view when making decisions about the health of the "coupled human-environmental system" -- that is to say, if you're interested in averting the scenario in which the Earth is f**ked -- then, Werner's model implied, resistance is the best and probably only hope. Every other element -- environmental regulation, even science -- is too embedded in the dominant economic system.
[Read more stories about: people rise up, governmental corruption]

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'Doc Michael says:
Why does it really matter if Earth is 'finked'?

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