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Posted Thu Sep 8 2011: from London Independent:
Woodland birds join extinction danger list
Two of Britain's most charming woodland birds, widespread until relatively recently, appear to be on the road to extinction. Populations of the lesser-spotted woodpecker and the willow tit have fallen so far and so fast that their populations are now to be monitored by a special panel of experts charting the UK's rarest breeding birds... The willow tit's fall in numbers appears to be linked to loss of suitable wet scrub habitat, Dr Charman said, while that of the lesser-spotted woodpecker appears to be linked to poor breeding success, although the reason for that was not yet known. Lesser-spotted woodpeckers also needed extensive wooded landscapes to flourish, and it was possible that changes in woodland management were also a factor in their decline...
[Read more stories about: bird collapse, massive die-off]

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