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Posted Thu Sep 1 2011: from Los Angeles Times:
USC study tackles pesticide-prostate cancer link

Researchers at USC have found an increased prevalence of prostate cancer among older men exposed to certain pesticides in Central Valley neighborhoods. The authors used the state cancer registry to recruit 173 white and Latino seniors in Tulare, Fresno and Kern counties who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer between August 2005 and July 2006. They compared them with 162 men without prostate cancer, found through Medicare and tax records. Researchers then traced where the men lived and worked from 1974 to 1999 and compared those locations with state records of pesticide application. Those who lived within 500 meters of places where methyl bromide, captan and eight other organochlorine pesticides had been applied, they found, were more likely to have developed prostate cancer.
[Read more stories about: corporate farming, health impacts, pesticide runoff]
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'Doc Jim says:
O Captan! My Captan!... Fallen cold and dead

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