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Posted Mon Nov 7 2011: from Pittsburg Post-Gazette:
Corporate funding of Marcellus Shale studies at universities raises alarms
As development of the Marcellus Shale spreads across Pennsylvania, Penn State University has taken a central role in doing research about the industry, from its economic impact to its geological properties. Some of the research is paid for by companies extracting the gas, according to petroleum geologists who do the work. But the state-related university, which took in $214 million in taxpayer funding last year, declined to say how much individual companies spend or what the money pays for. Universities welcome the money and say there's no impact on their research, but critics are concerned that the lack of transparency is dangerous to independence.
[Read more stories about: fracking, health impacts, corporate malfeasance, capitalist greed]
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'Doc Michael says:
So that's what they mean by the trickle-down effect.
Corporations give money to institutions to give them favorable reviews! Great system!

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