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Posted Tue Nov 8 2011: from Los Angeles Times:
Are birds getting bigger because of global climate change?
Birds in central California are significantly larger than they were 25 to 40 years ago, and researchers believe it may be because they are bulking up in body weight to ride out severe storms related to global climate change. Over the last 25 years, a robin, for example, has increased about an eighth of an inch in wing length and about 0.2 ounces in mass, according to a paper published online in Global Change Biology. The findings fly in the face of assumptions based on an ecological benchmark known as Bergmann's rule: Birds and mammals tend to be larger at higher latitudes, perhaps to conserve body heat. Under this reasoning, birds and mammals would get smaller as they adapted to rising global temperatures.
[Read more stories about: anthropogenic change, weather extremes]
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'Doc Jim says:
The sky isn't falling; the birds are falling because they're too fat to fly!

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