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Posted Thu Jun 23 2011: from University of York, via EurekAlert:
Ban on discards 'will boost fisheries', says new research
Banning fisheries discards in the North Sea will promote fish stock recovery and increase fishermen's incomes, according to new research by scientists at the University of York. In the North Sea up to 75 per cent of fish are currently dumped after being caught, with the result that many fisheries are now badly overfished. In comparison, discards were banned in Norwegian waters in the late 1980s and their fisheries are now some of the most prosperous in the world.... But Dr Beukers-Stewart says: "Discards simply squander valuable resources. Our research demonstrates that while there may be some short-term costs, a ban on discards is essential if European fish stocks are to become sustainable in the long term."
[Read more stories about: overfishing, short-term thinking]

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'Doc Michael says:
I think he's saying "thank you." Or is that "took you long enough"?

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