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Posted Sun Apr 3 2011: from The Independent:
Britain's March was the driest in 40 years
The past month has been the driest March for around 40 years, forecasters said today. Provisional recordings show that the UK has also seen 25 percent more sunshine than usual over the last four weeks as temperatures climbed and Britons enjoyed their first taste of spring. But there was bad news for those hoping for an early start to summer - April showers are on their way as usual. According to provisional Met Office figures, the average rainfall between March 1 and 29 stands at only 39.1mm (1.5in). This is expected to rise very slightly when the showers of the past two days are factored in. However, it is still expected to be well below the 95.9mm (3.8in) norm for March.
[Read more stories about: weather extremes, drought]

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'Doc Michael says:
So March came in like a lion, and left as a... camel.

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