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Posted Wed Sep 29 2010: from London Guardian:
One in five plant species face extinction
One in five of the world's plant species - the basis of all life on earth - are at risk of extinction, according to a landmark study published today. At first glance, the 20 percent figure looks far better than the previous official estimate of almost three-quarters, but the announcement is being greeted with deep concern. The previous estimate that 70 percent of plants were either critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable was based on what scientists universally acknowledged were studies heavily biased towards species already thought to be under threat. Today the first ever comprehensive assessment of plants, from giant tropical rainforests to the rarest of delicate orchids, concludes the real figure is at least 22 percent. It could well be higher because hundreds of species being discovered by scientists each year are likely to be in the "at risk" category.
[Read more stories about: ecosystem interrelationships, massive die-off, deforestation]

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'Doc Jim says:
If only that 22 percent was comprised solely of kudzu.

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