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Posted Fri Nov 5 2010: from BBC:
Plastic debris 'killing Adriatic loggerhead turtles'
One in three loggerhead turtles in the Adriatic Sea has plastic in its intestine, according to researchers studying the impact of debris on marine life. The shallow waters of the Adriatic are important feeding grounds for the turtles as they develop into adults. But the sea-floor is one of the most polluted in Europe. The team studied the bodies of dead sea turtles that had been stranded or accidentally caught by fishing vessels. The impacts of debris on marine creatures are not entirely clear. But scientists have found that animals ranging from invertebrates to large mammals consume plastic waste and are concerned that it could damage their health.... The researchers hope that, now they have shown that the turtles are particularly vulnerable to plastic debris, more will be done to reduce it. "Loggerheads are opportunistic feeders which will eat almost anything that is in front of them and plastic stays around for a very long time in the sea," says Dr Gracan. "In the future we must think more carefully what we put in the sea."
[Read more stories about: plastic problems, rights of nature]

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'Doc Jim says:
Now what can be done to make plastic more nutritious?
Or maybe we just make all our plastic taste bad.

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