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Still Under Attack, Climate Scientists Fight Back
...Thanks in part to the events of Climategate last November -- when someone hacked into and released thousands of e-mails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at Britain's East Anglia University -- climate scientists now find themselves under fire... In the face of that dwindling in public confidence -- and a renewed surge in attacks from global-warming skeptics -- climate scientists are finally fighting back. In the May 7 edition of Science, 255 members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, including 11 Nobel laureates, signed a letter decrying what they call the "political assaults on scientists and climate scientists in particular."
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'Doc Michael says:
That'll fix 'em because we know climate deniers always read 'Science.'
Fun fact: Surveys in Britain and in the US have shown a 30 percent drop in one year in the percentage of adults who believe climate change is real.
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