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Humoring the Horror of the
Converging Emergencies
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The ApocaDocs Seek New Title for their Book
In response to a number of complaints, the ApocaDocs may be forced to retitle their short free book Converging Emergencies: 2010-2020. "I was planning for it to be a big downer, but then I found jokes mixed in with the facts," grumped one respondent. Snarled another: "Why didn't you warn me? I spat coffee all over my laptop!"
Consequently, 'Docs Jim and Michael are seeking suggestions for "funnifying the title," as a means of warning, by the title alone, that humor lurks within the book.
Requirements are a) 'Converging' and/or 'Emergencies' be in the subtitle at least; b) it must be in good taste; c) it must be funny.
Please use the "quip-o-matic" device below to make suggestions!
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Your Quips: Bobo says: "The ApocaDocs Joke Book: Converging Emergencies 2010-2020"
Frank says: "The Apocadocs Laugh at Danger: Converging Emergencies 2010-2020"
Vera says: "When Emergencies Converge, Hijinks Ensue"
Frank says: "I like that "hijinks" title."
Bill says: "How about "Holocene Hijinks: The Converging Emergencies, 2010-2020""
Stella says: "welcome to we're fucked, and what do I have to do to get my signed copy, for posterity?"
Doc Michael says: "@stella -- check out the book page (on the left), and it'll tell you! (and I'm intrigued with WTWF as a title...)"
brian says: "what ever its called its a great book"
doesnt-follow-rules-well says: "LOL CATastrophes: your laugh out loud guide to the Apocalypse!"
Doc Jim says: "@doesnt -- that is really funny. I can haz not uze it, damit."
Gita says: "Overshooting ourselves in the head: converging emergencies, 2010-2020"
Harry says: "Scared Silly: The Converging Emergency Decade"
Jr. Doc says: "The ApocaDocs Laugh About: The Converging Emergencies, 2010-2020"
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'Doc Jim says:
Perhaps "Ha Ha Ha! Converging Emergencies, 2010-2020"
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