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Posted Sat Feb 13 2010: from TED, via Mongabay:
Bill Gates: ban coal and invest in clean energy technology
The planet needs "energy miracles" to overcome the dual challenges of meeting energy demand and addressing climate change, said Microsoft founder Bill Gates during a speech Friday at the TED Conference in Long Beach, California. "What we're going to have to do at a global scale is create a new system," Gates said. "So we need energy miracles."... Gates said the world needs to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050 and suggested researchers spent the next 20 years developing new technologies and the following 20 years implementing them. He said coal and natural gas should be phased out by 2050 and touted carbon capture and storage technology and wind, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal, and nuclear power. According to CNN Gates focused on reprocessing reactor waste into clean energy.
[Read more stories about: alternative energy, carbon neutral, efficiency increase]

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'Doc Michael says:
Let's make that "10 and 10," and zero by 2020, shall we?

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