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Posted Thu Apr 29 2010: from
Mysterious new disease threatens oak trees
Acute oak decline (AOD) causes ancient native trees to bleed extensively, cutting off the supply of water and nutrients, and killing them within a few years. Since it was first identified five yeasrs ago, the disease has been spotted on thousands of trees across the country and it is feared many more are infected. But scientists are at a loss to explain its cause. What concerns them most is the speed at which decades-old trees are killed off. The outbreak is one of a number of threats to Britain's ancient trees. A separate disease, sudden oak death, has spread across the country, killing beach, larch and ash as well as oaks since it was introduced from abroad 10 years ago.... "We're looking at a disease that has the potential to change our landscape even more than Dutch elm disease, and nothing is being done about it," he said. "We can't afford a repetition of what happened then. Action is needed now."
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'Doc Jim says:
The mighty oak from a tiny acorn grows/'til felled for reasons no-one knows.

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