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Posted Sat Sep 26 2009: from
UN climate summit: Sea change needed at Copenhagen
With just 15 negotiating days left before governments meet in Copenhagen in December supposedly to finalise a new climate agreement, the man in charge of the negotiations -- the somewhat dour Dutchman Yvo de Boer == complains that they are "afloat on a sea of brackets". I haven't looked to see if any of them enclose a solitary comma (somehow life seems too short), but I do know that there are 2,500 sets -- all surrounding different points of contention -- in the 200-page negotiating text. At the present rate, most will remain as unresolved as the 30-year-old comma in New York. And yet almost every one of the world's governments (Saudia Arabia appears to be a rare exception) seems to want to seal a deal.... The issue is far too big to be left to the negotiators -- or even to the environment ministers who usually have to strike the deal in the end. Only national leaders have the authority to take the decisions, which will determine the shape of economies as well as the environment and could usher in a new era of growth. If they don't, we could be looking at not so much a comma, as a full stop.
[Read more stories about: smart policy, anthropogenic change]

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'Doc Michael says:
"Sea change" -- is that the "awareness tide" that lifts all boats?
An article worth reading it its entirety: speaks from the experience of watching a "bracketed comma" cause a slowdown in the bureaucratic process, and how that kind of process might impede what needs to be done, very quickly....

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