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Posted Thu Sep 24 2009: from TIME Magazine:
How Much Human Activity Can Earth Handle? human population has exploded over the past few thousand years, the delicate ecological balance that kept the Long Summer going has become threatened. The rise of industrialized agriculture has thrown off Earth's natural nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, leading to pollution on land and water, while our fossil-fuel addiction has moved billions of tons of carbon from the land into the atmosphere, heating the climate ever more. Now a new article in the Sept. 24 issue of Nature says the safe climatic limits in which humanity has blossomed are more vulnerable than ever and that unless we recognize our planetary boundaries and stay within them, we risk total catastrophe....Stay within the lines, and we might just be all right.
[Read more stories about: carbon emissions, global warming, food crisis, holyshit, overpopulation, tipping point]

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'Doc Michael says:
Humans just aren't all that good at staying within the lines...

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