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Posted Fri Nov 13 2009: from London Guardian:
Brazil celebrates 45 percent reduction in Amazon deforestation
A police offensive and the global economic crisis have combined to produce the largest fall in more than 20 years... The Brazilian government yesterday announced a "historic" drop in the deforestation of the Amazon, weeks before world leaders meet in Copenhagen for climate change talks. Brazilian authorities said that between August 2008 and July this year, deforestation in the world's largest tropical rainforest fell by the largest amount in more than 20 years, dropping by 45 percent from nearly 13,000 square kilometres to around 7,000 square kilometres (5,000 square miles to 2,700 square miles)... Since February 2008 the government has been waging an "unprecedented" campaign against the loggers, dispatching hundreds of heavily armed agents to remote rainforest towns where destruction was out of control.
[Read more stories about: carbon emissions, deforestation, global warming]

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Heartless Phil says: "And littering! Yeah, baby! We need armed agents all over the world!"

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'Doc Jim says:
If only we could dispatch armed agents to stop people from idling their cars.

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