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Posted Fri Jul 31 2009: from The Earth Institute at Columbia University via ScienceDaily:
Index Insurance Has Potential To Help Manage Climate Risks And Reduce Poverty
Climate has always presented a challenge to farmers, herders, fishermen and others whose livelihoods are closely linked to their environment, particularly those in poor areas of the world. A type of insurance, called index insurance, now offers significant opportunities as a climate-risk management tool in developing countries... "Only the richest three percent of people in the world are covered by insurance," said Olav Kjorven, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Development Policy. "The world's poor have been completely left out, even though they are the most vulnerable people most in need of protection. Droughts, floods and hurricanes often strip whole communities of their resources and belongings. Index insurance, however, could finally enable millions of poor people to access financial tools for development and properly prepare for and recovery from climate disasters."
[Read more stories about: global warming, weather extremes, smart policy]

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'Doc Michael says:
"Index insurance"... it sounds soooo sexy!

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