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Posted Thu Jan 15 2009: from London Daily Telegraph:
Green I.T.: how many Google searches does it take to boil a kettle?
...a newspaper reported that just two Google searches generates the same amount of CO2 as boiling a kettle. That would mean the search giant might as well be flying 10 jumbo jets from London to New York every day, because approximately 242 million queries are processed over 24 hours. The story was quickly seized upon by the technology community, and set the internet alight. Amidst all the subsequent hot air, Alex Wissner-Gross, the Harvard academic upon whose forthcoming research the story was supposedly based, claimed that he didn’t recognise the figures put next to his name. Google, meanwhile, hit back, too, and said that the correct figure wasn’t 7g of CO2 per search – it was 0.2g.
[Read more stories about: carbon emissions]

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karl says: "Maybe Google should just harvest the methane from the bullshit that gets produced online."

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'Doc Michael says:
This whole story -- including the argument over it -- has now generated 400.715g of CO2! No wait! 400.717! No wait!

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