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Posted Thu Feb 19 2009: from Science Daily (US):
Permafrost Is Thawing In Northern Sweden
"At one of our sites, permafrost has completely disappeared from the greater part of the mire during the last decade," she says. In areas where permafrost is thawing the ground becomes unstable and can collapse. This can be a local and regional problem in areas with cities and infrastructure. Moreover, the thaw can cause increased emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane from the ground. Roughly 25 percent of all land surface in the northern hemisphere are underlain by permafrost. The thawing of permafrost that occurs today is likely to continue, in Margareta Johansson's view. She regards it as probable that there will be no permafrost in lowland areas around Abisko in 50 years.
[Read more stories about: arctic meltdown, permafrost meltdown, methane release]

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Sara says: "Oh, but the Arctic ice has now been recalculated. This isn't happening, actually."
Heartless Phil says: "Why do they call it "perma"frost if it ain't."

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'Doc Michael says:
Thank goodness it's only happening in Sweden!

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  • Arctic Ice Extent Understated Because of 'Sensor Drift'
  • (Permafrost Is Thawing In Northern Sweden)
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